This series came about from Beverly watching herself and listening to others, noticing how certain beliefs formed the underbelly of much of the angst and, from this, forming questions for her own contemplation She now is sharing these questions with you, for your own contemplation.
This introduction video is to lay the groundwork for an audio series called “Serious Questions”. The invite is for you to contemplate the lead question in each audio, which then leads you into a series of related questions, using the current world condition as the platform. The questions are meant to stir up some of your own beliefs that are participating in the angst we’ve been experiencing.
Serious Questions | Episode 1
Using the current world situation as a platform, , Beverly poses a number of uncomfortable questions for self examination, to unveil how your beliefs have impacted your reaction or response to the situation. The lead question for this first of the series is “What is wrong with being sick?”.
Within this audio, many other questions are posed for your contemplation.
Serious Questions | Episode 2
In this second of the series (for your greatest benefit, please listen to these audios in sequence, starting with audio#1), the lead questions appear more specific in relationship to the current situation. Although this series is not about the virus per se, it nevertheless does provide for an opportunity to deeply question our own perspectives on the situation.
This audio begins with, “Have you noticed if one of your primary needs has become the need to know the number of new cases of the covid19 on a daily basis?” From there, in discussion, many other questions arise.
Serious Questions | Episode 3
This third audio, building on the previous two, (for your greatest benefit, please listen to these audios in sequence, starting with audio #1) begins with the question around how many now identity with the virus and how this identity has created separation, a setting up of ‘camps’ as it were, and from there poses some pretty serious questions. The fear component, introduced in audio #2, is built on in this audio. Included, as well, is the issue of self responsibility in terms of our own health.
Serious Questions | Episode 4
The fourth audio presents what is probably the most challenging and contentious lead question of the series (for your greatest benefit, please listen to these audios in sequence, starting with audio #1), further building on what was presented in the first three audios. The lead question here is “What is wrong with dying?” and offers much for the listener to chew on.
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