This series came about from Beverly watching herself and listening to others, noticing how certain beliefs formed the underbelly of much of the angst and, from this, forming questions for her own contemplation She now is sharing these questions with you, for your own contemplation.
Read MoreHow Do You Greet Each Day? | video
How you experience the day is literally in yours hands! So instead of grabbing that cell phone after its alarm wakes you up, shift. Leave the phone and all the messages alone. Now set your energy for the day! What you put out energetically is what you will perceive. EnJoy the day! Watch the video…
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The Nocebo Effect of COVID 19

Can Fear manifest as actual illness? Could fear be, in fact, what is manifesting in many of those being diagnosed with the Covid19 virus? I believe it could be. I realize this may be a serious stretch for some, and I ask you, if you’re interested in getting past the media hype and what is being presented as real, explore this a bit with me, and read on. If so, I acknowledge the following is my personal perspective only, while including some valid data, and is simply an offering to explore beyond and to question what is being presented as real. Read More
Caught In Thinking Hell? How To Manage Your Mind-Chatter Misery
Whaddya’ think? Does this feel like you?
Relax! You’re just one among the many millions around the globe equally caught by the thinking mind!Read More
Beliefs and Health
“Smile, people won’t like you if you’re not nice.” “Don’t be silly, that’s only your imagination.” “Money is evil.” “I’m a bad person”. “Be Happy!” “Now be a good little girl and do as you’re told.” “People only want to be around positive people.” “Be a man like your dad and stop crying.” “Children are to be seen and not heard.” “What will people think.” “Why can’t you be like everyone else?” “Thinking of yourself is being selfish, and nobody likes that.” “Only Catholics (substitute Jew, Mormon, various brands of born again Christians, Muslim, etc.) go to heaven.” “Evil thoughts are only from evil people.” “People with degrees are better people and more important to know.” “Life is hard, you need to be tough to survive.” “Be careful who you trust.”Read More
State of the World | video
Beverly touches on some concerns we all share in this video below.Read More